Dog Bites Rabbi

So, while on my temp run yesterday, more to come about that, I passed a dog owner and his two little Scotties that I see relatively frequently. One of his Scotties, off leash of course, decided to chase me, and took a chomp out of my calf - biting through my running pants and breaking the skin. Doctor says I should be OK :-)

Meanwhile, here's the link to the run.

Goal was 1 warm up mile, 5 miles at an average of 8:30/mile, and 1 cool down mile. Even with the dog bite near the end of mile 2, I did pretty well on the goal. Made it through the uphill mile in 8:41 and was pretty kicked for the final tempo mile. Still walking 30 seconds at the end of each mile and still keeping this pace, so all in all, I feel I am making progress and feeling good.

Chappy Chanukah!