Yesterday - a run and a swim

Managed to do pretty well on a new tempo run format:
1 mile easy
2 miles at mid-tempo - aiming for 8:10/mile or faster
1 mile easy
2 miles at mid-tempo - aiming for 8:10/mile or faster
1 mile easy
I did better than my goal, even on the second set of miles, which are uphill. And still walking 30 seconds every mile.
Still having tech issues with mapmyfitness - after years of it working perfectly, the software is not keeping up with the run after about 6 miles. Ginny said it spoke to how fast I was running :-) - I pointed out that this was also cycling software, so I wasn't running that fast.
Here are the details on the run.
Then, later in the day, got a good swim in while Jude had his lesson.