Still running and swimming - a week's worth

So, since I last posted I managed to get out a lot - here's what I logged:

Long run on Saturday - 10+ miles - aimed for an average under 8:20 per mile, and I believe I did that easily, except that my mobile app has been on the fritz - here's the raw version, warts and all - run details.

Interval training on Monday - this was 6 half miles, with 90 seconds break in between them, plus 2 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down. Again, blips with the app mean that my last splits stunk AND I was struggling, although I think over all it was OK, if not my best run. Run details.

Tempo run on Wednesday - felt great on this run, doing 1 mile easy, and 5 miles aiming at 8:10 or better, and then 1 mile easy. Again, my mobile tracking quit, this time at mile 3, so while I think I did pretty well, there's no proof :-). Run details.

Also managed to swim yesterday!